Webpack 5 will automatically assign useful file names in development mode even when not using webpackChunkName. This works pretty well in most cases. I faced the same import and initialization problem while working on NestJ/Express. A package is a folder tree described by a package.json file. import * as session from 'express-session'; import * as connectMongoDBSession from 'connect-mongodb-session'; const MongoDBStore = connectMongoDBSession(session); const store = new MongoDBStore({ uri: 'YOUR MONGO URL', Node.js 12 introduced support for the import statement behind a --experimental-modules flag and a package.json configuration option.Node.js 14 removes the need for the --experimental-modules flag, but you still need to configure your package.json.Here's how you can use ES6 imports in Node. How to import in react component. Instead of: import {version } from './package.json'; console. A bcrypt library for NodeJS.. Latest version: 5.1.0, last published: 25 days ago. Older versions of typescript are incompatible with @tsconfig/node16.In those cases we will use an older default configuration. Below are the steps to achieve the same. Mais il est aussi utilis dans de nombreux environnements extrieurs aux navigateurs web tels que Node.js, Apache CouchDB voire Adobe Acrobat. Depending on your settings, webpack will under the hood resolve to one of the following: dist/bson.browser.esm.js If your project is in the browser and using ES6 modules (Default for webworker and web targets); dist/bson.browser.umd.js If your project is in the browser and not using ES6 modules; dist/bson.esm.js If your project is in Node.js and using ES6 modules Snippets import myJson from "jsonlocation"; Using named exports from JSON modules. I'm trying to run ES6 modules natively on the browser (